Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sunshine after the rain

So..Today came, and I was so..scared. Really the never do finish work kind of DIE. Because Tue I have this shitty module where its all about doing this big project from day one. My group is like the worst, cos of people like me. Haha. Anyway, it actually didn't turn out so bad as I think it would. God really somehow proved me wrong. Haha, its like on my way to school I kept thinking of how can God help me in this. Make the teacher sick and don't come? All the coms cannot work? Haha, to me its like 'this kind of things won't happen', and ofcos it never la. So how did my team 'escape' it? Well, there wasn't enough time. LOL. My group was the only one that can/must show him next which is the FINAL presentation. Today what we must show is the test case. I was already like planning what to do after school, like go to the arcade and play until idiot, cos I will be like sad kind.

But..there was a change of plans cos first of all, I wasn't 'dead', and Tianann was in Hospital. The funny thing to me was, he got in cos of LOW SALT intake. I was like...what the.. Cos usually people is high salt intake ma. Anyway, he said no need to visit cos he'll be out tomorrow, but me being such Friend~~, I went to 'surprise' him. And I bought POTATO CHIPS for him. HAHA. Is not really low salt intake la, but his heart dunno what then cannot let the salt pass thru. Haha, and the root cause is that he has lots of hormones. Haha, so he called himself, Horny Boy. -..-

Tomorrow have to hand in a marketing report, going to finish it up now. :)

Pray - so simple yet so powerful. Haha.

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