When ever I say the tittle has no link to my mood, I lied. Heh. But also not really lah, aiya I dunno.
Christoper's msn nick idiot: Mindef wants to be my friend. Lol. He told me mindef people went to find his uncle. If he don't come back to S'pore by 25 Dec, stupid thing will happen. Don't think I should post it here. Haha. If you reading this, just come back asap and send your drum set over first. Easier for you, I care for you. Haha.
Now my blogging quite different, more random. Don't feel like planning my post..
I stopped watching wwe for like 3 months already, but suddenly I went to bt those ppv that I missed. Just watched No Mercy, the ladder match quite loser. The next 2 ppv is on the way..
And here is a really cool website. It will guess your character you have in mind. It will ask a set of questions, like less than 20 and it can REALLY guess it. I've tried Jackie Chan, LKY, myself, my friend, game characters... Yeah. Try it. Haha.
Oh I'm a uncle now, my sister gave birth I think last Thursday. I haven't visted her nor seen the baby yet. His name is...Jayden. Haha. Jayden Tan Jie 'something'. I forgotten. Hope is cute, will teach him to like me. Haha.
Posted it on Facebook already, but its just quite idiot. Haha, he got the Joash face, the sad look. Is the eyebrow. Haha. And I have the idiot face, is the whole face. Hah.
If God is God, why is there a need for all these.. Just wanna action action?