Monday, December 31, 2007
Funny pics for the night..
The last day of the year 2007..
The time now is 3mins to 2am.. Can't sleep, don't feel like playing any game also, so I blog lor.
Last night prom night was fun. It brought out the cam-whore sprite in ALL of us. Haha. My camera took quite a few funny pics, which made me laugh while I was viewing it. Oh, and I won the 'Best Entertainer' award. Haha, Hope I'll win it every year:P And everyone look great:)
Same old shit again..(random stuff came to mind)
I pray that 08 will be a great start and I will not waste it.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm in a born to shop kind of mood
Oh, and I have a new personal high score for the basketball game - 303!!! I'm getting better :)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing day~
(Damn diffcult to use blogger to pictures, ass... Or just maybe I'm a noob.)
I think I will just post in the order of what happen today. Pictures later ba.
- Woke up about 4plus, bathe, changed and got ready to go down to open the door when the groom comes.
- 6am, the cars horn to tell us that they have arrived. Went down with 2 oranges to open the door and say like congrats brother-in-law, haha, then he'll give me one big ang bo. :) (He can't leave the car until I open the door for him)
- My sis's jie mai guards the door and played some 'games' first in order to let the groom in. One of it was that they made like some shitty drink with wasabi, bitter gourd, celery, tomato, lemon and some more stuff I dunno also. The thing is, he just has to enter my house by 6.30am - thats the time limit. lol
-I think it will be a long long post if I say out everything. Haha, I cut shorter. By 7am, I follow my sister to the groom's house. When reached, the groom must open the door for me. lol.
- In the house, I must first 'roll' on the bed before anyone can sit on it. Haha. I collected more ang bo(s). Damn shiok, like not even new year also got money take. Haha.
- 9.30am went back to my house for buffet. Both side also have buffet. Brought the pig from the groom side to my house. Later they must bring back with the head and tail. Haha.
-11am my sis went back again, this time I no need follow. So....I show off my guitar hero skills. Haha. My cousins and aunties gave it a go. And ofcos, to them I'm like so pro. Haha ;)
- By 1 plus, everyone left my house. Can all go home rest first before the dinner at about 7. At this time my sister went to sentosa to check in. After the dinner they will stay over at sentosa...
- I took a nap all the way till 4pm. Bathe again, changed and off to CSC.
- I look damn handsome. HAHA, thats what everyone said. I love honest people. hahaha:)
- Everything end about 11pm. The one loser thing is; my dad drank too much and so he can't drive us back.
I wish that I can be a uncle SOON. Haha:)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Haha, actually woke up at about 2plus, so I watched I AM LEGEND, half-way it felt boring so I decide to sleep again until 4.15am where I woke up. Yay. Went downstairs to help my sister buy ice for her 'games' but, 7-11 ran out of it. :( Now I also dunno what to do. Haha.
Going to bathe now...
Monday, December 24, 2007
The day before..
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person’s tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4. Start your post with; I have been tagged!
Favourite Color: Black, white, Blue
Favourite Food: Any kind
Favourite Movie: Matrix Trilogy
Favourite Sport: Bowling and Basketball
Favourite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favourite Season: Summer
Favourite Ice Cream: Cookies 'n' Cream
Current Mood: Tired
Current Clothes: 3/4 pants and tee
Current Computer Wallpaper: New York
Current Time: 19:48pm
Current Surroundings: My room.
Current Annoyances: Messy room:(
Current Thoughts: Sister's wedding TOMORROW
First Best Friend: Forgot
First Crush: "Forgot"
First Movie: "Forgot"
First Lie: Forgot
First Music: Forgot..who can remember all these..
Last Drink: Plain water
Last Car Ride: Yesterday morning to church
Last Crush: Don't want say
Last Phone Call: My home
Last CD Played: Jay Chou's songs(mp3 format)
Have you evers?
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: No
Have you ever broken the law: Yup
Have you ever been arrested?: No.
Have you ever been on TV: Ya
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: No. I wished I dare. Haha
Random 5 things you are good at: Being idiot, FPS on controller, Wrestling, Thinking of stuff, Sleeping
4 things you’ve done today: Showered, played Guitar Hero, saw my friends, Whack something with a hammer
3 things you can hear right now: Keyboard, Jay Chou singing, Wind of the fan
DONE. Lazy to tag others. You feel like doing just do lor. Haha.
My living room looks big now cos its like more neat and tidy. Haha. Every other rubbish is either in my room or my parents room -.- The table for the catered food has been set up.
I Love Joash and Becky. HAHA:D Random~
My Sis has to get up at 4am, and then the make-up artiste would come by 4.30am. Her 'Sisters' would come to me house about 5am. Wow, everything is so early. Morning is packed but afternoon seems boring. Maybe I could still go for service, but most likely cannot.. Everything would end about 11pm.
Excited. Bye.
Christmas' eve..

YAY, finally bought this book. Haha, its my present for myself. Read almost half of it le. Nice:)
Tomorrow is the DAY for my sister. I'm excited, wonder how she's feeling. Haha. I pray that everything runs smoothly as she as planned. I hope I can wake up. Haha.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Not going to talk about camp cos words cant describe it(my english not powder-ful enough) :)
Aiya, suddenly don't feel like typing le. Heh, bought the cloths for the wedding:D Can't wait!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I'm not worthy
Haha, my second favourite song from the new album.
Anyway, I'm just posting for the sake of it. Meeting at the station in less than an hours time. Youth Camp.
End. Please click on the banner ads. haha.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Fight thru the pain!
Urghh, feeling sleepy now. Even when I was walking along the streets also feel like can just doze of anytime, so I
Today started out normal, an ok day to me, but came evening, my mode change to pissed off..just like yesterday.
Tomorrow is camp, yet not pack. Cannot sleep yet....
(EDIT to ADD this QUIZ)
1) Do you prefer decent or wild girls?
2) Are fat girls a total eww?
Erm, if they act cute, it is a YES.
3) What was the biggest lie a girl ever said to you?
Err, don't want to answer this..
4) Do you think girls are worth your tears?
Yes. I did cry over one before.. :(
5) What was the sweetest thing a girl ever said to you?
I dunno, can't recall.
6) One word to describe girls.
7) Do you like girls who smoke?
8) Do you prefer romantic or sweet?
Sweet. I'll be the romantic one. Haha.
9) Do you prefer a popular gal or the girl next door?
The girl next door.
10) Do you keep the presents your ex gave you?
Do not have any ex.
11) Have you ever sacrificed for a girl?
Yes..but to me not really a sacrifice. Haha
12) Do you hate your ex?
No, cos I don't have one.
13) What attracts you to a girl?
First, the whole face, then the character. :P
14) What turns you on? Hot girls or cute girls?
Haha, I don't really know..both:D
15) The most painful thing a girl ever did to you.
She broke my heart, and I found out :(
Ok, done. I spend my time doing this instead of packing...
Good old sleepless night..
I just downloaded the latest episode of Avatar, quite a nice one, cos Zuko joins the team now:) I also watched Armageddon on Dailymotion(Its like a Youtube site). It is quite a lousy PPV imo... So I think Jeff is going to be a heavy weight champion soon.
Finally I watched Hitman - alone, but I'm used to it. Haha, its quite ok to me - worth it.
Hope my mum gives me money today to go shopping for cloths, for my sister's wedding. Haha. But first, I'll do some exercise then eat, hopefully I don't sleep, cut hair, then shopping. I think I'm going to waer like how Agent 47 wears. lol. That should be my plan for today~
Hmm, tomorrow is the camp, kinda having mixed feelings now..
Monday, December 17, 2007
Anyway, I've been watching a movie every night before I sleep, like 3 days ago. The first 2 are old movies, yesterday one is still showing at the cinemas. :)
-War of the worlds
-Sherk 3
-The heartbreak kid
Haha, as usual, I find Shrek quite funny and Heartbreak Kid is also actually quite nice too, I did LOL. So now after watching War of the worlds, I kinda know what Scary Movie 4 was trying to be idiot at. Haha.
I want to watch Hitman, but no one wanna watch. Wanted to catch it before I go to school, but the timings and place quite idiot. Now its only like one time slot per place and some don't even show it anymore:(
And last night I played Guitar Hero on the song ONE again, got 2 achievements cos of this song:) One is a 500 note streak and the other is scoring higher than 250,000. Woot, I got 275K plus for it. Its on normal mode. REALLY love this song.
Haha, and that 'Rainbow' song by Jay Chou, I also keep singing it, I think I sing not bad for it:P
End of the early morning post:)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
In the late afternoon, I went to Temasek Club for some carnival thing.. While waiting for the free dinner buffet to start at about 6pm, I did this;
Haha, act like Agent 47, only thing is I'm Agent..27? lol. Wanted to do at my upper arm area, but the stall is closing, so in order to not let the people behind me(which q very long too) to get disappointed, I just did a small one. Hope this last long. Haha, they say put powder and dun rub it.
And there is one girl behind me(should be around my age)..she is quite bimbo kind, voice very act cute kind. But nothing happen. Haha. :S
Finally tonight don't need to sleep so early. And after tomorrow, it will be :D whole week.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Its about time..
Today only went for one lesson. Same old time wasting lab. Its just 3hrs of sitting infront of the computer doing your own things. The teacher don't really care, so does the whole class. Haha.
There is a prayer thingy today but, I didn't go. Don't ask me why.
I'm buying the R4 card thingy for my DS. Shit man, I becoming more and more an idiot Pirate. haha. Well, I need more games to play during the camp, don't think I can sleep that easily... I haven't touch my DS for quite some time, its always in my bag for fun.
I also want to buy the Zen Stone Plus. I think its very cute and cool? Haha. Like can use as watch or keychain. Only thing is, can't play videos.. There is a creative sale on the 21-23, must go look-see-look-see.
Train train train...body-building time :D :D :D
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The road to WrestleMania(Youth Camp)
Came back from seeing the Doc. Got my dose of steroids that will last till 25th. Haha, I purposely asked for it.
Think I should start doing some training for the camp. Haha, I want to win every games that needs strength or speed or something like dat. :) Who ever is in my team, they are all lucky. :P
I like this 彩虹 song from Jay's new album, and also 甜甜的, 最长的电影, 我不配...the Cowboy song to me also quite nice, something new and cute~? Haha, aiya like I said, the whole album is OK.
Should I go to school tomorrow??....
Anyway, Guitar Hero rocks. Haha, I so like the song ONE by Metallica. Its an old song like during 1989. I love the guitar parts and the lyrics is actually quite ok~.. But I can't complete it on the HARD mode.
I also quite like Jay Chou's new album. All the songs to me ok. :)
Going to see doc later, can't take it anymore.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Met him > pass to him > go home.
Dun really feel like blogging today. Haha, at least I can feel that now, if everyday feel like blogging also abit idiot. Bye.
(No school tomorrow....)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
We'll carry on..
Anyway, maybe sometimes praying do works. Just glad that yesterday and today, for my school projects..IS OVER. And after tomorror marketing test, its hoilday mood, cos thursday no school and friday is the last offical day of school. Although Monday I need to go back like from 2-5pm for make up lesson for the New year. Speaking of marketing test, have not study yet and I only just bought the book today. Haha
Today after school I went to suprise visit Ben. For fun. He came my house to play Guitar Hero(finally)..and ofcos I win. Haha. Played Halo3 too, and again I'm the better shooter, at least with the 360 controller. Haha
Yesterday was quite idiot, should be fun la. Aiya, change topic..
Tomorror should be doin some shopping for SOME PEOPLE. Orh.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The world is spinning..
So can't say much now. Zzzz
Just hope tomorrow turns out alright. :)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Sleep is our enemy..
So, its 7.14am, haven't slept since I woke up at about 6 plus yesterday. Had breakfast with Tianann, and a heart-to-heart talk. Whenever I have this kind of conversation with him, it will always make me think.
We wanted to play basketball at around 12 midnight yesterday, but the floor was wet so he just came to my house and we played rawdeal, Xbox and watch some videos.
Well anyway, this is what he said;
Saturday, December 8, 2007
We'll carry on..
Anyway, today was ok~, nothing much to say. I just apply for the NeBO card..some kind of youth club thingy, the only reason was to get the special Zone-X tap card, and you can have a 'top up $10 and get $10 free'. Haha. Its $30 for has many other promotions and stuff too.
And so I scored my highest for the arcade basketball game - 229. Haha, I know is like quite low to some of the pros, but I think I'm getting better. Haha.
Thats all ba. Quite fun in the end, at Ian's place. I like to do stupid things like 'singing and playing drums and guitar'. HAHA.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Turn the tide..
I really just can't sit/lie down and do some proper stuff like my school work. After school I went to kino, alone, to see the price of a book that I feel like buying; Bastista Unleashed. Haha, its about...Batista, ya so its $46.01, thats like X2 of the price for what I paid for the shawn michales book. Anyway, I kinda like reading and buying books now. Haha
When I got home, I wanted to start blogging but Ben ask me to play dota, so having no self control, I played.. Haiz, waste time again. :(
Finally the Fall update for the Xbox360 is up. And the main features is like can play those videos in DviX format, haha that means can play those torrent movies:P And also we are now able to d/l Xbox1 games. Weee.. Games like Halo and Fable are up now, slowly more to come. But I'm still waiting for MS to released those video contents on the USA to be on our local region too. Oh, and I also d/l the theme song for Halo on Guitar Hero III. :D
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hmmmm..(cant think of any now to suit my mood)
So...this morning when I woke up, it was quite a shock, cos my hands were clean, no blood stains. Haha, that is quite rare, maybe praying do works?:) But my face still feels idiot, and when I looked into the mirror, it is. :(
On my way to school today, I saw tianann on the same train too. Which brings me back to yesterday's post. Haha, I just somehow knew that I forgotten to write about something, and that something was Tianann. Haha, cos he talked to me on msn on Monday evening which made me feel better:) Thanks friend~. lol. And I'm happy that..(I know, you know, I know, those kind of stuff, won't say here) Haha, just hope that you faster choose me over Genn. ;) :P
I was at the library killing time before my test start and so I decided to take out my Bible to read.(After taking a nap) It has been quite sometime since I took out my Bible to read it for fun kind. So anyway, as I was reading it halfway, I felt like I prayed. (Wont say what I prayed about sort of answer me) The next verse after I prayed and read was;
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunshine after the rain
I wanted today to be a better day but it turns out to be half-way there only:(
When I woke up, my leg was sticking to my bed sheet. Damn, the blood from my leg joins with the sheet. Haiz, and my mun just changed it yesterday. Today my leg was super bloody, not to mention the hands. Luckily not everything was going that bad, I was looking thru the BoB forums and one thread about Xiaxue and Steven Lim was made. Haha, there were 2 videos and both just made me LOL.
Steven Lim is damn loser, dunno what is he thinking man. Chicken pie. lol
Showering is also an idiot thing for me, cos water touch my wounds and ya..Pain. Anyway, school is the usual for me, nothing much to say.
Yesterday during my 4hrs break, I went to catch the movie; HERO. Haha, quite a nice show, well, I just love the main actor, and actress. He is like so handsome, and for a guy to say another guy handsome, means he really is. Haha, relax, not turing gay, never will. ;) (Sorry Ende, cos I think if you wait until your tests over, no more le. Haha. Other shows!)
Now is the stress period, where I feel...stress for not doing my projects earlier and stuff. Haha.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Where is the love?
Finally back home, on my bed ready to blog. Been at school from like 8am, but can't find a
proper time to blog.. I have many things going on my head since last night.
As I was saying, last night when I was on the bed, about to sleep, many thing were going on. I prayed first, then I thought about my life right now, then it just went deeper till I tear, wont say I really cried~
So from the moment I woke up till about noon time, I was just in a shitty mood. It was mainly just about 2 things; my life and God.
The life I'm living now I would say is quite Loser. I'm thinking what will happen to me if I did not manage to complete my poly. Then I'll think back the time when I got my JAE result, and I did not get into any poly. I was so so - depressed that I was about to do anything to get into one. I went back to my secondary school and got my form teacher to help me write some good stuff, things like that, and I went around all the 5 polys to appeal - together with Gordon. Somehow I've got 2 successful appeals, one form Nyp, the other from TP. Wow, so I'm lucky this time, must really work hard and not let my teachers down, that was my thinking before I started school in Nyp. And I even said I want to be the top few, thinking to myself, how hard can it be, cos I'm a smart person, just super lazy. Fast-forward to now, and ya, laziness won and I'm just surviving poly. Fail one module during my first year which led to idiot time-tables and having no proper class. From my transition of secondary school to Poly is quite a Hugh one cos many things is just so different. I've hardly have any friends at poly now, not counting those hi-bye kinds, from my Sec5 class or from church. I've always think to myself as someone who is quite funny but that doesn't seem to be the case when I first step into poly life. Although now I'm like having no fixed class, which means I should be able to make more friends..I'm not. Why? One reason, my skin. Now I'm at the point where I know what my doctor has told me before. That I'm someone with low self confidence, as he can see that I always look down, even when talking to people. In the past I would not agree, but now, ya, cos EVEN my face has it. And lets not get to my hair...
GOD! C'mon, I'm not feeling a single bit of love from you right now. I can even feel the love from my parents. I use the word 'even' is because, well I'm not the kind of son that says I love you to my parents and not to even mention good morning those kind. But at least I know they love me cos, I'm still here. I've like wasted so much of my parents money on ME. My medical bills is like - so much. From my skin/hair itself is already idiot, and now comes my eyes. Now I'm even seeking both western and Chinese. There is still 28days left for this year, where You said I'll be healed. I'm waiting for it, but at the same time I'm so afraid I'll leave church.
Nothing can change this fact; That you are the one true God, and those who believes in You will be up in the Heavens one day, and the rest will go straight down to Hell. I SO believe in this...but..but.
How I wish I wasn't born right now, but at the time when Jesus comes back to earth. Then I would not go thru all this and just go straight up to heaven. I know I know, there is a plan, a reason for everything.
I've spend about an hour typing all this. The next post will be a better one. ;)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
What good is a heart
Wasted the WHOLE day today...sleeping. My eyes is idiot again, again as in not the 'attack' kind where I'll go tear-ing and just feels pain when you open it, but it is where I wake up and I can't really open my eyes cos of the 'eye-shit', sticking my upper lid and lower lids togther. If I force it open, its damn pain, I'll need water to slowly tap on it and slowly open.
*Thank you Laura for calling me to wake me up but, I'm just to lazy and sleepy. Sorry;(*
Anyway, I got up about 1 plus to eat my *breakfast, then I sat on the sofa and fell alseep again. My head keep telling me its night time period. Dunno what time I got up and I went to my parents bed to sleep... I was fully awake at about 4plus, close to 5. What a shit way to waste a day.
Now I'm worried that I cant sleep by 1 tonight...
Tomorrow is gona be a lousy day. I have a test and there will be many time to waste....
Gamespot, just fired one of their old time reviewer cos he gave a game a low score, and that game happens to have ads all around the site. Got fired cos of his own opinion. Money money money..
Saturday, December 1, 2007
HAHA, that's my translation from the song 西界, by JJ Lin Junjie. Dun really understand his meaning of the lyrics but its a very nice song.
Its like 10mins to 6am, and I'm here blogging AGAIN. Haha, have not slept yet, dun think I will for the whole day. And I havent even played Guitar Hero..... I was watching some old Jackie Chan movies, and just surfing around..played one round of dota by myself too.(loser, but dunno why I like)
Msn also like no body to talk to, cos I know most of the people online now is 'fake' one.
Listening to Chinese songs and singing-along. Haha. I know my voice not number one but to me ok can le;) Most people should know that I listen to Chinese songs now but my standard of this language is like primary school. Cant read or write, BUT my understanding and speaking I think is still ok~. (at least better than people like Ian. :D) So somehow I can memorise the lyrics, haha and when I go sing K or what, I don't really need the lyrics(cos I cant even read them), I sing the songs thru my powerful brain. lol
Random, random..
I hate John Cena, I think the WWE pushed him long enough! Its time for HBK to win the Heavyweight and Matt Hardy to get some push man. And again, I can go long long long about what I feel about WWE. Stop saying wrestling is fake...if thats the case, then whats the difference between that and watching a movie. And WWE is done LIVE, which is harder to pull off than acting for a movie. Hope there will be another SummerSlam tour next year:)
My dad just woke up.
I was thinking of going to get more chapteks before going to CO, and if I should go early(like I used to) or on the dot. Chaptek is like quite fun to play, I started liking it only after watching a Jackie Chan movie, where he...plays that. HAHA. Thanks to me, the youth guys also plays it...but we kinda still suck. I can go all idiot when playing it, like saying...dunno how to spell what I say out also. Heh.
6.20am le, off the start rocking my house with my guitar playing.
A whole new world
Haha, not really a new world, just a new month; December!! I think many people like this month, cos its the last month of the year and..I dunno, many reasons ba. :D
Quite long since I blogged at this kind of hour, like nothing to do now and sleeping is not one of the options. Didn't have dota action nor WoW :( Oh well, I have the 360 to fall back on. Haha, last night I started playing guitar hero again. I'm at the last part for NORMAL mode(uses only 4 fingers) Still have HARD(5 fingers!) and EXPERT(5 also, but harder) to play thru to really complete the game, and not to forget those songs which are not on the story mode. Long way for me man, at first I thought I'm gona be quite good at this game, but it turns out that I'm not really that good. Heh, and I'm better at it with the standard controller rather than the guitar controller, BUT its still way cooler to play with the guitar:D
Today(friday), was quite relax, cos I skipped the morning lesson(first time) but like dat, 4hrs gone, must use my pon-ing wisely le. Can only afford 85% haha. The reason why I didnt go cos was tired, slept at 2 plus, cos of dota.... I myself know that if I'm going to wake up at 6am, the max i can stay up till is 1am, ofcourse id does varys at times. Haha.
Den after school it was mentoring with adrian > Cell > Home....
(I think the viwing font is like quite small...)