Sunday, December 2, 2007

What good is a heart

(If you're not gona use it..)

Wasted the WHOLE day today...sleeping. My eyes is idiot again, again as in not the 'attack' kind where I'll go tear-ing and just feels pain when you open it, but it is where I wake up and I can't really open my eyes cos of the 'eye-shit', sticking my upper lid and lower lids togther. If I force it open, its damn pain, I'll need water to slowly tap on it and slowly open.

*Thank you Laura for calling me to wake me up but, I'm just to lazy and sleepy. Sorry;(*

Anyway, I got up about 1 plus to eat my *breakfast, then I sat on the sofa and fell alseep again. My head keep telling me its night time period. Dunno what time I got up and I went to my parents bed to sleep... I was fully awake at about 4plus, close to 5. What a shit way to waste a day.

Now I'm worried that I cant sleep by 1 tonight...

Tomorrow is gona be a lousy day. I have a test and there will be many time to waste....

Gamespot, just fired one of their old time reviewer cos he gave a game a low score, and that game happens to have ads all around the site. Got fired cos of his own opinion. Money money money..


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