The best thing was that I saw Miss Ng. Haha, my Pri 5 form teacher. I was quite idiot to her, in a good way kind, as I even call her by her first name in class before. Haha. I would never thought to have seen her there helping out in the fair because I know she had quit from the school quite some time ago. Just regretted never took a picture with her.
I also saw my Pri 6 form teacher. She was Miss Kwan then. Haha, she still remembers my name:)
Aiya, just feel happy meeting the teachers that had taught me in the past. Dunno why, but just feel high. Haha.
I was there about 10.30 with them^^ and supposedly Laura, but she woke up at the time we were suppose to meet.. Later Joffere came too. I went back home about 1 plus to charge my phone and back to fairfield again. This time was with 5A. (about 1/3 of the full class) Haha.
And Chyi wei is stupid. Orh.
Thanks Laura for buying the jelly for me. Which is for Becky. Haha, she was so happy. Before the main service started, I saw that she was already here, so I went to her to say hi. Haha, den when I walkwd back to my seat and I turn to her again, she was ready to wave at me too. Haha, and she laughed, which I could hear:)
I gave her want-want too, and she idiot la. I told her to hold the wraper to eat, so that won't dirty her hand. But she still want to hold the cracker with her hands. Then when she was held it, she show me her hands, to tell me that is dirty, so she asked me for tissue. -.-"
So some of the kids were playing at the stage area. She said that she would go and play over there after she is done with the want-want. And she asked me to follow her. Haha, ofcouse I said yes. Hehe, I asked for a goodbye kiss again when she was leaving. And I think again she wanted to kiss on my face, so I just showed her the flying kiss technique. haha.
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