Monday, December 29, 2008

2 more days..

(to a start of a New Year)

2008 was suppose to be a good year, but I think it was about the same as 07.. I always prefer even numbers, ya.

Quite a few events has gone by, with many photo taking done. Luckily I have a new camera.

No mood, this post is just to tell everyone that I'm still alive, just not blogging:)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Movie review - Ip man

Best action movie of the year - nuff' said. Haha. Donnie Yen has just shown that he can fight both modern style(MMA) or the traditional kind of Wushu, in this case, is Wing Chun.

Aiya pa dai, I don't want to write review le. Just go watch it, can ask me watch again, I won't mind. As seen in the trailer(previous post), he did some super-speed punches and the best thing is, there are more of it than the 2 scenes shown.

And after watching it, it made me feel sad for the Chinese people during that period when Japan went idiot. Gave back the 'feel' to want to go learn Wushu again.


Anyway, after movie we went to PS and guess who I saw. Becky and her family. Haha, make me happy nia. She keep waving bye bye to me:) Can see her later(again) Woo!

Okay, so camp is over, whats next? Well, didn't got 1st but at least it was 2nd. So, so far I have a 4th, 3rd and 2nd badge;) And pa dai again, there can be so many things to type about for camp itself, but erm, its all random thoughts now.

So ya bye.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ip Man

I wouldn't mind leaving camp for 2 hours to catch this.. Look at the punching speed. Wow.

Its pronounce as 'Yip mun' in Cantonese.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tiny giant

I did not sleep the whole night, cos I was training dota to use Tiny. Hah. And i still quite suck at it, lose to 1 on 3. I think the toss very fun, like hook, but difficult to master. Watched some videos of pro dude tiny, really pro..

Well, yesterday was my only lesson of the week but I still pon. Lame, overslept. The lesson starts at 2. Was suppose to meet Gordon at 12 too.. I was still awake about 11, just doing the sleep alittle bit more before go bathe thingy.

And I forgot that next 2 weeks is hoilday for whole poly, I thought only me. Haha.

Damn, I just feel like playing with cute Tiny now, so gtg:)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What about Today?

Boring, its 1:02am as I'm typing now.. I just don't feel like sleeping now. But I know I will sleep when the sun is up, haiz.

Its official, I'm in PES E9L9. Wooo! No need go outfield to lie on the grass and meet some bugs. Haha, I was looking at the screen when the med officer is typing the report. Eye PES B(I was quite sad), then overall PES E. Haha. He told me I will be downgraded to E, and my reply was a sad 'orh'. A act like sad orh. Hah. Quite loser, but who cares. lol.

Only thing of concern is, what will I work as after poly, now that I can't go police. Sign on Army as clerk forever? Hahaha. There is NO WAY I can work in the IT field with my shitty programming knowledge. That is something to ponder about...

The year is coming to an end, and it sure is fast. I would say, actually I not sure if its better than 07, I'll try to make 09 a better year. Going to be 21 next year...the real lawful age as an adult. Need to grow Haha.

Tomorrow going to school for my module, dunno what should I do if I come across my supervisor. What kind of idiot thing have I got myself into.. Well, at least I can look forward to seeing her. Hah.

Should I find a part time job now? Don't really know what is going to happen to my school stuff. If really fail FYP, will be quite hard to find a job.. Ahh, just try to save money, which I had started at the begining on this month.

These coming weeks gona spend so much. Christmas presents and stuff. I wanna get something for the kids. Sian la, need to buy that game also. Must control and plan...

More to type out, but boring already. Save for next time.

Feel sore. I fall. I call. I crawl..

Monday, December 8, 2008

I could stay awake..

(Just to hear you breathing)

Today's public holiday kinda boring. Just went out for jamming to practice 'I don't wanna miss a thing'. Haha, quite fun, at least I think I sounded okay and the rest never complain also.

Just watched the new dragonball Z movie, not the live-action movie that is coming out, the cartoon kind one. Its like after dunno how many years. The animation looks better but the fights not that great and so is the story. It introduces some new character, like Vegeta's younger brother.

Nothing much le, I'm just waiting for my stuff to BT finish.. Some photos from my NEW camera. Lol.

Cute eh, my 3 favorites:) Joash looks like cool dude, with the cute/sad face.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mixed feelings

I'm sad cos it is a 99% chance I would fail FYP, which means a 12 weeks lag to graduate. Which also means going to the army later, that will lead to me having to defer army, which is troublesome.

The other half of me is feeling happy because I've got a new camera. And its the one that I wanted. The Panasonic FX520. (Lazy to link to pictures or whatever) Whats so good about this camera? It can record videos in HD, and yup that was the thing I was after. Haha, of course with touch screen and stuff, which can let you focus just by touching and it has some manual setting for taking pictures.

Its quite a compact size camera, but compared to my old Casio EX-S100, is not sexy. Heh.

Erm, thats all. Planning to do some video...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just wait..

When I'm about to blog...

Justin call, and so this shall end.

Wow. Lame.