Sunday, August 30, 2009

For the first time, I've cried like how I would when being touched by God, when someone decided to leave Christianity. Its like how they would say; a burden in their heart for the lost. Sounds so 'act-like', but it is.. That was last night.

Today after alter, I went up and requested for prayer. The vision that Ps Terence revealed to me was kinda.. Finally its time to get my act together, I really need to hear from God, like really hear. Its kinda unbelievable how things have changed, and it is going to be more so, in the future. Oh well, I've already knew that God is - indescribable.

And I'm working at Borders. Tomorrow training starts..

Another brand new start:)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 days in NUS, and all 3 days I would come across fairsians, all different. Makes me happy, yet sad.

Oh well, regrets in life is just something that would never go away. So, just do it. Heh. Pain might last for a min, an hour, a day or even years. But regrets last forever.. Actually I got that last line from some poster. Haha.

So I should really just try a front/back flip some day..

At least for every regret made, there is someone who will make things right. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ok, so ya, God showed that it is Him that plans everything:)

Update: Another financial blessing is coming in.

Now I'm abit afraid on handling it. Please really give me the wisdom.

I feel quite loser for the things of the past, now and future, but I know all things would work Your way if I allow and believe.

Let me learn obedience, for that is all that matters.

Love ya, Thank You.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tianann just reminded something. I did mention to him that I've realise now that it is really difficult if you can't save little or tithe with the little income you have, it will be harder when you have more.

And just when I really started giving 'proper' tithe and felt the need to save for something.. I didn't need to now..

Just hope my investment is proven worth while. Nah, I know it will be.

Ha, is this a sign that I can handle it? Answer please, thank you. And if this is really what it means to be testing You on this issues. Then I can safely say it is proven. Haha.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

As far as I can recall, I just attended the first family meeting initiated by grandfather. It was rather sad...

4am now, couldn't sleep earlier on. Watched a repeat ch8 serial, quite nice, got my favourite actor in it. Haha, but if its showing at 3am, guess I'll miss quite alot in the future..

My dad told me that my grandfather wants to meet all of us, like my sister and cousins, like got something to say. I just hope is not something bad. That will be in the evening.. How to say this, I'm quite sure he doesn't attend church and stuff, but he does know what Christianity is, I think. Haiz, I won't have the balls to talk to him about this also.

Some more signs please, just to be sure. After that I'll head for You.

Sleep or not to. Scared I overslept, cos I really wanna say hi to uncle. Lol.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I was so looking forward to the last day of work, not because its ending, but I was supposed to have a lunch appoinment with someone. Haiz, she has a last min meeting..

Finally out of school.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What a stupid day to start the last week of work. Hope tomorrow every thing still goes smoothly. Report still not started.

Just looking forward for lunch.

Money was wasted today..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hehe, next week would be the last. Lets make the best out of it:)


Report seems to be at the back of my mind, and the stupid agency PC check...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just in time, done with Proverbs now. Ready for the one year devotional booky.

Hmm, kinda boring blogging here.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How nice to know that every thing seems planned. Not my plans, but God's.

This morning could turn bad, but I guess the Lord had picked me up again.

A verse I couldn't seem to understand last night, was answered by someone today. And I didn't even plan to ask that... :D

I'm feeling quite good that I have a few but growing verses in my database. Don't let me be hao lian please. Haha.

In the past, my thinking of love is sacrifice. Now it is still that but more.

What is the one message we should learn? Give.

Although give doesn't = sacrifice, sacrifice means giving.

Above all else - Obey. I think that sums up everything.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Yesterday should be the first time reading the Bible during the day. Ok, not really the first time, but in a way a very rare time. Heh.

Believe or not, I'm putting my pro dude memory into use. Memorising verses - for now should be on Proverbs. (2 a day) If anybody recalls, about 2 months ago I say I would start reading Proverbs. Continuing now, guess I took a looong break. ;)

I had finally came through on a question I've always asked people and myself. So happy. I feel very girly to type like HAPPY!!, you know. If the previous line makes no sense, nvm.

Last night I also started on something new. I felt like writing a book a few days ago. Haha, it is not Joshua kind of books.. Yeah...

So fast comes August. Yesterday I started lifting up my dumb bells again. I did 3 sets of 12 on bicep curls and..I was done. Ha.

Still a start..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Look at the time, its 4:43am.. After bbq, Tian ann came over to play Marvel vs Capcom 2. Just paid for the full version last night, quit fun and easy to play. Of cos we didn't play till this time, we stopped gaming around 2, and we just went to the usual playground spot to talk...

Speaking of which, just now during/after service was just - God. It is really quite indescribable, like so many different emotions, thoughts and stuff were going on. Won't type it here, nor would I know how to go about writing it.

All in all, quite a day. And I think Joash grew closer to me. Yay:) Wondering about Becky now...

Soon and very soon. Soon and v-e-r-y soon...