Saturday, May 10, 2008

Are You Ready!?

(Guess not)

Wow, my life seems to come to a 'stop' now.. Do not know how to explain, just feel different from like, last week? Heh.

I must say this again; Tonight seems to be ANOTHER HOT night.

Haha and you know what is the stupid thing I did. Not really stupid lah, just that it gives me memories of the past. Okay so you know my air-con isn't working as it should.(it blows like a fan now) So what do I do under this heat? I go to my parents room and sleep on the floor. Haha. I just bring along my pillow and lie on the cold floor.. Reminds me of the past is because I used to to do that when I was younger. Cos I was 'afraid' then, so ya..

Started training my shoulders last night(for pull-ups). Wah, was I weak.

Tml is gonna be....idiot:)

Oh, I've created a WordPress account already. Still deciding whether to blog on that or here. But for now , the post there are all gonna be private, I just wanna write out some personal stuff. Anyway its still 'under construction', thinking of a nice banner to put up. Haha.

(So why can't you write it here?)

(- Cos I dun wan the whole world to read..)

(Then why blog it in the first place?)

I dunno

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