Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day

Hmm, actually I planned to post later, as in after a proper sleep. Cos to me, even if it past 12mn, its still the same day, unless I have slept.

Okay, so I went out today(yesterday) - alone at first. I find it quite idiot cos I didn't go to school but yet went out to watch movie. Aiya, all should know, the reason I didn't want to go out/school is because of my face. But I got a jab yesterday(Tue), so it heals faster than taking steroids orally, and so about afternoon, I find my face to be 'acceptable', so I went out...

After watching Iron man, I hanged out with the Army Prayer Group guys.. Played Bang! And I must say, I'm the best deputy dey, I killed 3 outlaws, while the Sheriff... Haha, I just out smart the outlaws! Bang Bang! Have a nice day:)

Movie Impression: Iron man
Didn't felt like writing a review(cos I dunno how also, for this movie), so just change it to impression. Haha.

I would recommend this, I like it alot, one of the better Superhero movies. For one, the main character(Downey Jr) really looks like Tony Stark. Haha. I like the CGIs too. Only thing was that I felt the action parts being too little. Like, didn't show off all the weapons/power. Haha.

Oh, but for sure there will be more of Iron man, I think this is a trilogy;) And Downey will also appear as a cameo as Tony in the upcoming Hulk movie.

Speaking of cameo, be sure to sit thru the credits for a short cameo scene. MUST WATCH! It says alot things. Haha.

And so after watching it and being so 'into' it, I went to look for Iron-man comics. Haha, and in the end I stupidly bought a Civil War: Script book. Thinking it was like #1-7, the whole Civil War thing. But its not.....:( Really waste of money.(quite ex leh) Urghhh, would have rather bought a game. Stupid me..

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