Friday, May 30, 2008

Sleeping pattern

Is Back! Not a good thing.. Cos its not the normal human kind, its the noob kind. Sleeping at around 3 plus, and still being able to wake up for school.

Studying now anyway, not now as in now, cos I'm blogging now. Stupid.

Next week is last week of school before the 2 weeks break. Going to be STRESS.

I just found out someone who has the same Birthday as me. (I know that person lah, not those movie stars kind..haha)

random lines..

Got a pair of free tickets to , this Saturday. Haha, must turn up, if not got penalty. Wasn't really keen in watching it, but seeing that he has quite a positive review, no harm dey. Hope my friend goes for service with me after the show.

So difficult to come up with a domain name - that isn't taken..!

Sorry Ende, ps you last min.

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